Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Choosing a Confirmation Saint

I will be confirmed in October of next year, and I am presently contemplating my choice of a Confirmation saint. No one warned me about how hard this would be. Perhaps it is hard for very few people. It definitely is for me. Right now I'm pretty sure I want St. Philomena. She died for the sake of preserving her purity, is a very powerful intercessor, is known for her great love of Jesus, and is the patron saint of youth, infants, and babies: all things I love so much. I believe holiness is easier for the youth, since we are usually the most innocent and willing to avoid sin, believe, and trust in God then. So, who knows. Maybe God will want me to pick her; maybe for some reason before next October arrives I will be inspired otherwise. But until then, St. Philomena, pray for me. Help me to choose the right one: the saint that God wants me to choose. Currently, I believe He wants me to choose you, but I don't know yet. 

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