Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Happy Fall!

'Tis the season to be joyful, in my opinion. I never want this apple-and-pumpkin-treat, vibrantly colorful season to end. 

A poem I wrote pretending to be a chic girl in boots walking to her every-day job working for Apple:

Fall In My Neck of the Woods

The heels of my boots collide with the wet, smooth substance of autumnal foliage

Creating the crunching sound a fall-lover craves to hear
Before I make my way to my daily grind
I absorb every sight I can
Before it leaves me forever
Another day in the crown of all seasons
Blurs of popping orange, crimson, and orange
Meet my wonder-struck, beauty-searching eyes
And bring a beam to my made-up face
Before I step into the office once again
Tapping away to the music of pattering raindrops outside my window

Choosing a Confirmation Saint

I will be confirmed in October of next year, and I am presently contemplating my choice of a Confirmation saint. No one warned me about how hard this would be. Perhaps it is hard for very few people. It definitely is for me. Right now I'm pretty sure I want St. Philomena. She died for the sake of preserving her purity, is a very powerful intercessor, is known for her great love of Jesus, and is the patron saint of youth, infants, and babies: all things I love so much. I believe holiness is easier for the youth, since we are usually the most innocent and willing to avoid sin, believe, and trust in God then. So, who knows. Maybe God will want me to pick her; maybe for some reason before next October arrives I will be inspired otherwise. But until then, St. Philomena, pray for me. Help me to choose the right one: the saint that God wants me to choose. Currently, I believe He wants me to choose you, but I don't know yet. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I have finally begun piano lessons, and have, at last, started to understand a little bit of why being able to play instruments, and making music, makes people so happy. And I will continue understanding with each wonderful lesson each Tuesday. It is so very delightful to be able to play little ditties, however insignificant now. I learned Ode to Joy already, and my piano teacher is already pleased with how I am progressing at two lessons in. I really hope it is something I will always be able to do; a skill I will never lose. I want to be able to play the piano when I'm eighty.

My piano teacher really couldn't have been more perfect for me. I naturally want to play fast, but he urges me to go slow and be sure I have the right technique. God never ceases to amaze me with how he works out every little thing to go the best for me as long as I follow His will the best I can.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Tree

A tree, brimming with life, beauty, and strength
A wonderful, marvelous creation
A tranquil sight

Thursday, August 20, 2015

To My Sister

My dear older sister left for her first semester of college this morning. I will miss her immensely. I wrote this sort of testimony to her approximately a year ago, and I feel the same way today.

I couldn't have asked for a better sister to love me, care for me, and most importantly, guide me and help me along on the bumpy road to our destination of eternal life. She never ceases to bring sunshine into my life with her cheery grin and personality, her happy outlook on life, and her radiant voice which was quite often heard singing. She has a huge devotion to the Holy Rosary, and, sometimes, when we couldn't say a Rosary as a family she would say it with me, and those were some of the moments I cherished the most with her. We would have some of our heart-to-heart talks then, and I found praying with her such a calming, reassuring thing.

She would go to Adoration once a week with my dad, and one day, when I was 12 or 13, I decided to go with them, and I absolutely loved it. Now I never want to miss a week. I don't think I would have gone if not for her example. She has always given me encouragement and love whenever I had the nerve to go to her for it, and to this day encourages me in my faith.

She shows me that life goes on even after the passing of loved ones, and never fails to inspire me to pray more, to love more, and to smile more.

Sunday, August 16, 2015



Through faith we sense, feel, and experience
A kind of tranquility and amity
Illumination and affirmation
That can only spark goodness
In the hearts and souls of each one of us
That can only inspire
The best things to occur
For it can only encourage, motivate
And bring confidence and certainty to any mind
Through faith, only the most valuable
And beautiful things will be found
Before we are finally struck
By the wonder of eternal light

Saturday, August 15, 2015

A Blanket

A blanket, warm, cuddly, soft
Shared with a loved one
Becomes twice its original worth


A simple smile on a sweet face
Flashed to a depressed soul
An unexpected, drastic effect


Shared with anyone
Friends, family, and strangers alike
As well as the best medicine
The dearest, most valuable pleasure

Holding On

I keep wanting to hold on to childhood. To my parent's strong embraces, protection, and love. I want to stay in my home forever. But I know that's impossible. I never want to leave home. To make my own life. To attend college. Work harder than I've ever worked before. But it's all closing in on me like a trap. Whether I like it or not, I'm growing up. Way, way, way faster than I ever want to. It's way too hard to let go of. There are moments, admittedly, when I actually want to and it's easy to grasp the idea of, but most of the time the thought of leaving home depresses me. I'm fifteen. I just have three years. I guess the best thing to do is just live in the moment, be present for right now, and enjoy every last little moment and thing I can before that time finally comes. 

I still have three years, after all. And I can't, shouldn't, spoil these precious moments, times, before they're gone. I'm fifteen. It's a beautiful age. I'm going to make it one for me. I'm not gonna let it get the best of me. Even when sisters have to leave for college. Oh Lord, I don't want her to go. I really don't. I know she has to, but I don't want her to. I love her ever so much. I will miss our intimate conversations and heart-to-heart, one-one-one, just-us talks unbearably. But I will bear it for her and for You.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Inside the Head of An Introvert

A favorite book and a good snack
Enjoyed in fine weather or in rain
An introvert’s favorite thing

Birds Squawking

Birds squawking and chirping on a summer’s eve
A sound ordinary to most
An extraordinary one to the romantic


A girl twirling in a purple skirt
A sight sweet to the beholder
A picture begging to be painted

After watching my sweet little sister twirl in her ruffled purple skirt on a summer day last year, I was inspired to write the above. I couldn't find any pictures of girls with actual purple billowy bottoms on Pinterest, so here's an absolutely adorable girl strolling through the woods on a perfectly enchanted time of day, looking picture-perfect with her curly hair and put-together outfit. I want to paint something like this one day.

A Song

A song is infinitely powerful
A few words, a single harmony, a simple melody
A refreshed soul

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Take Me To The Ocean

To The Ocean

Take me to the ocean

Where water collides with glittering sand
Where hungry feet eat their fill of sun-kissed substance
Where skies are open and vast
Where footprints and shells lead to safe havens
Where laughs were once heard and are heard once again
Where peace is felt and will be felt once more
To where skies are always blue even when they're gray

{pictures from our beach trip in July}


Raindrops, sweet, hollow
Harmonious, musical
Medicine for my soul
Soothing to my heart
Music to my ears
Beautiful in my eyes
Never stop loving me back

Saturday, August 8, 2015

A Summer Night's Sky

A summer night’s sky
A smattering of peaceful, soft pastels
A beauty in anyone’s eyes

A Few Shells

A few shells on a picnic table
A pretty, summery image
A keepsake of dear memories

Not Just a Bird Feeder

A bird feeder, wooden, miniscule, subtle
A quaint, homely picture
More than just a bird haven