Thursday, August 20, 2015

To My Sister

My dear older sister left for her first semester of college this morning. I will miss her immensely. I wrote this sort of testimony to her approximately a year ago, and I feel the same way today.

I couldn't have asked for a better sister to love me, care for me, and most importantly, guide me and help me along on the bumpy road to our destination of eternal life. She never ceases to bring sunshine into my life with her cheery grin and personality, her happy outlook on life, and her radiant voice which was quite often heard singing. She has a huge devotion to the Holy Rosary, and, sometimes, when we couldn't say a Rosary as a family she would say it with me, and those were some of the moments I cherished the most with her. We would have some of our heart-to-heart talks then, and I found praying with her such a calming, reassuring thing.

She would go to Adoration once a week with my dad, and one day, when I was 12 or 13, I decided to go with them, and I absolutely loved it. Now I never want to miss a week. I don't think I would have gone if not for her example. She has always given me encouragement and love whenever I had the nerve to go to her for it, and to this day encourages me in my faith.

She shows me that life goes on even after the passing of loved ones, and never fails to inspire me to pray more, to love more, and to smile more.

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